Street Teams
For the new year we are looking to expand our current fanbase,and supporters,and trying to get more people involved in any way they want with DSBP!
Our plan is to form "Street Teams" all over the USA and hopefully into Europe as we progress through this..
Street Teams are usually fans and supporters of the label,spreading the word of DSBP to local retailers,club d.js,and patrons,and overall industrial,and non-mainstream music fans. we need people to know we exist,and we are a distributor of all kinds of underground titles,and bands from all over the globe! we have a great reputation with business,and are known for our passionate and sometimes controversial views on mainstream music,bootlegging,and stealing. We are a label that is here for the bands,the underground,the ones who are underdogs and not mainstream minded.
We will try to assemble a very strong and loyal STREET TEAM by having at least one representative (but not limited to one)in each state become part of the DSBP Team.
What we will need is people who are really into our releases here,and are willing to spread around flyers,postcards,stickers,catalogs to local retailers,and clubs. This is not a "paying job" ,or else we would have to worry about"who is doing it for real,who is not really living up to their end of the bargain", and what not... In order to avoid these problems ,we will ask people to help if they are into helping,just for the support of DSBP and to help the underground and these new bands and new releases from bands who been at it for awhile,to get heard and known..we are looking for passionate people like us.
We need to get in touch with more indie-retail shops in order to stock our stuff and give them better prices then they can find through the usual suspects.. in the last months we have had tons of problems getting paid from our once reliable distributors..(no names,just figure it out..:-) we want to build up DSBP to have more visibility in the places where the intrest does lie..but they cannot get the cd's,because our distributors don't stock them,and alot of people know of us..but do not know how to contact.
So if we can build the DSBP up to be as known,and as respected,and as used for business,as the other bigger industrial retailers/distributors,we can open the doors for alot of smaller,and new bands and labels like us..
We will feature your name,website,and link on our DSBP STAFF website ,once we have confirmed you will be part of the street team,and you will have your own visibility as well..and we do get thousands of hits a day...so people know we are out there,and will know who you are as well..
DSBP will compensate you for your work with cool freebies,cd's,and promo's and stickers,and stuff like that when we have it first...you will be next to know,and always get the VIP treatment,discounts,and support on orders from us as well..its not too much...but we will make sure we reward those who do help us and care about the underground and the DSBP!
We look forward to hearing from anyone intrested,truly intrested and passionate about the underground and keeping the corporate monopolies from totally controlling all,as it has in the past... they should not control...and they will not control us.
This is a way to expand and change the underground voice,and keep more new and indie artists getting heard and sold when their releases come out. we need to do this to keep it all alive,and to keep the bands inspired and releasing music as well.
Contact us at dsbp@dsbp.cx for more info.